Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seafarers emergency drills

As requirement by the SOLAS Convention and by the Administration. Officers and crew must conduct regular emergency drills. In order to response immediately in a real emergency situation, eg. fighting fire on board and in any worst case scenario to abandon the ship to avoid loss of life. Prior going aboard the ship the crew must have safety training certificates, without these you are not be hired by the employer or the Principal.

Working aboard the ship is same as investing, your capital is your diploma and those training certificate which you cannot pay in small amount but in a four digit price. There are lots of shipping/manning agencies hiring qualified seafarers. But, how can a seafarer earn money while on vacation is my concerned now? I mentioned on my previous blog about active and passive income.

As a seafarer for a long time just now I realized that we must have passive income and to prepare for our retirement. That if God willing to stop working abroad at the early age and to enjoy living with our family. In what way? That is what I'm doing researched to be financially literate by reading books, watching motivated videos about money, where to invest our hard earned income.

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