Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday in Ship

Yesterday we are celebrating the Easter Sunday here in Gibraltar anchorage. Thanks God he is risen to save our sins. There are multi-national working on board with different religion but we work as one. We, believe there is only one God and saviour who crucified because of our sins.

We celebrate the feast with lots of foods, sweets and many more. Luckily, we don't have much cargo operations so the Officers and crew enjoy.

Today, here comes the bad weather, gusty winds with the force of 25 knots/hr. Whew, what a great day. As one of the crew here on this good vessel and according to my research about How to be a financially literate I'm sharing to my crew mates my little knowledged about investing Stock market and various Mutual funds. We cannot deny, mostly Seafarers are financially illeterate how to save and how to invest. Good thing here, we have internet connection so I can research and reading about "How to be a millionaire". Because, as they say we are living in abundant universe.

My contract soon to finish and my mind is set to invest, invest, invest to earn pasive income while earning my active income. Thank's for the people who created topics about money without roobing my soul.

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