Saturday, April 10, 2010


The topic I want to share today is how many percent do I need to spend for my needs, for tithing and for my savings? This formula taken from the book I'm reading and I'm happy to tell you these.

70% of our salary - For our needs, foods, monthly bills, education, clothing., etc. etc.
20% - For our savings, Investments
10% - Tithing

You may ask me about tithing. You see from our salary we give only 10% in return for our God who gave us everything. He gave us life, nice job, good health, happy family, friends, the air we breath but the 10% is only a minimum if you like to received more blessing then give more to our God. Because, they said when we do this, just like we open the flood gates of universal blessings. Remember! it is better to give than to receive. I am right brothers and sisters?

For our savings 20% of our salary, this is what they call "pay your self". The author of this book advise if you have knowledge about investing in Mutual funds, Stock market, or any vehicle to give high yield of your savings/income it is better to start early, regularly and in long term or any vehicle that suit your tolerability on what they call "risk".

And we live to our remaining 70% of our salary. Let us remember "Education is never ending process". Hope we all learn about financial freedom to live our life not in a rat race but in a fast track. Let's all live abundantly with God's grace.

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