Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Seafarer / OFW on board Storage Tanker

This is the ship I'm working on board as Seafarer / OFW.  M/T Vemabaltic is a storage tanker of 107,544.2 metric tons dead weight anchored here in the Gibraltar bay supplying fuel oil to vessels of various kind.
Gibraltar is one of historical and most visited island here in the Southwestern tip of Europe. For shipping company specialized in fuel oil supply, Gibraltar bay is a good location because shipping from east to west passing Gibraltar strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean. The safest and economical location for transferring various products worldwide.
What a good opportunity to work on board the storage tanker. Working with mixed national is quite challenging but we work as team.  Bunkering operation is a risky work but if you are equipped with proper training and experience the bunkering operation run smoothly and all safety aspect must be imposed.
Six months is passed and I'm waiting for my reliever to come to replace me.  Well, going home is the most happiest moments for every Seafarer / OFW. Thanking God I finished my contract with good health to see once again my family.

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