Saturday, May 8, 2010

OFW on Internet Marketing + Real Estate Investing

Hello to all my fellow OFW! Hope everything is going well with God's grace and blessings. Before, I only mention my fellow Seafarers and I think it is better to mention everyone. It came to my mind what if Internet Marketing and Real Estate Investing will be put together? Buying foreclosed property as core business and market it through the Internet. What will be the result?

I'm sharing this to all OFW because I don't want to go on top alone, I want everybody to be on top. Successful, happy, healthy and wealthy together living with our family especially if you have small children to be hug, kiss and play with. You may ask me what it takes to be rich? For me being rich is not only having lots of money. You may be rich in love to your fellow men, your children, your elders, your friends and most of all rich in God's blessing. If you are living comfortable you are already rich. It must be financially and spiritually. There is a saying "If others can do, why cant we?"

Financially free OFW, free of bad debt and positive cashflow is my goal now and to earn passively while on vacation. But how? My answer is FINANCIAL LITERACY. By joining seminars like
Internet ( 14 hrs hands on ) Marketing Workshop to be conducted by Mr. Jomar Hilario on June 25-26 at Cubao.
This coming May 15, 2010 have Think Rich Pinoy Wealth Seminar. The speaker is the author of Think Rich Pinoy Book Mr. Larry Gamboa. To all OFW like to be financially free. I suggest to attend these coming events.

Let us share one another our little knowledge regarding this topic. I am also a newbie in this field. Please feel free to leave a comments . Let us help one another towards financial freedom.

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